Java Build

1 minute read

Written By Young-rae Shin(


  1. File -> Project Structure
  2. Artifacts -> JAR -> From modules with dependencies
  3. Default setting
    If you want to make executable jar
    Please check MANIFEST.MF path at Default setting
    Change path! (java -> resources)
    change path

  4. A screen similar to the following is displayed
    Register artifacts
  5. Confirm Main-Class at MANIFEST.MF
  6. Build -> Build Artifacts
    Build Menu
  7. First, Clean => Second, Build
    Build Popup
  8. Confirm JAR file in project base directory
    Jar File


  1. Install Maven
    The screen below can be seen after installation Maven Version
  2. Go to the project directory where you want to build module(“pom.xml” is located)
  3. Open console(like cmd, git-bash, terminal, etc…)
    Open console
  4. Start build : Use maven build command
    You need to study maven command.
      $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
      $ mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage -Dmaven.test.skip=true

    Input build command

  5. If you see “BUILD SUCCESS”, it’s complete
    Build Success Build File Path

Add custom jar file to maven project

  1. Open pom.xml
  2. Add local repository or jar files!!
    if you want to add local repository in pom.xml

    OR add local jar files in pom.xml like this

      //set scope(system) and systemPath(jar file's path)

How to run jar file

  1. Go to the project directory where you want to run jar file located
  2. Open console
  3. Input command
     $ java -jar filename.jar

    Run jar command Run

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