Opencv Yolo In_windows
OpenCV, Darknet, Yolov4 in Windows10
1. install Visual Studio (with English pack!!)
- C#
- C, C++
- Add English in language pack !!!!
2. install vcpkg
install git
install cmake
- check “for all users”
install vcpkg
$ .bootstrap-vcpkg.bat $ .vcpkg integrate install $ .vcpkg install <package-name>
setup system environment
- register name: VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET , value: x64-windows
- register name: VCPKG_ROOT, value: C:\vcpkg
3. install python3.8
- checkt “add path” (important!!)
4. install CUDA Toolkit
install CuDnn
copy CuDnn files to CuDA
- copy cudnn/cuda/bin/cudnn64_8.dll to program files/nvidia toolkit/cuda/v11.3/bin
- copy cudnn/cuda/include/cudnn.h to program files/nvidia toolkit/cuda/v11.3/include
- copy cudnn/cuda/lib/x64/cudnn.lib to program files/nvidia toolkit/cuda/v11.3/lib/x64
install vcpkg
install boost
$ vcpkg install pthreds $ vcpkg install curl $ vcpkg install openssl $ vcpkg install zlib $ vcpkg install boost
install etc
``` $ vcpkg install protobuf
- protobuf-c(only supports Linux)
$ vcpkg install nats (no package, direct build!)
### install opencv
$ vcpkg install eigen3 zstr glog $ vcpkg install ffmpeg giflib hdf5 leptonica libjpeg-turbo liblzma libpng libwebp tiff $ vcpkg install opencv $ vcpkg install darknet[full]:x64-windows
$ vcpkg install darknet[full] –triplet x64-windows
### install opencv-python
$ pip install opencv-python
### check opencv in python run python in cmd
import cv2 cv2.version … ```
install OpenCV (build)
download and setup for cmake
- download opencv source,
- download opencv_contrib,
- extract two sources
- make opencv folder and move the extracted folders to it
generate with Cmake
- check BUILD_opencv_world
build with visual studio
- open ./opencv/build/ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
- set Release / x64 (if 64bit)
- build CMakeTargets/ALL_BUILD
- build CMakeTargets/INSTALL
install Darknet
prepare build
- make folder
$ cd c:\ $ mkdir yolov4
- download and decompress (C:\yolo_v4\darknet)
- copy opencv files to darknet folder
$ cp /opencv/build/bin/Release/opencv_world452.dll C:\yolo_v4\darknet\build\darknet\x64 $ cp /opencv/build/bin/Release/opencv_videoio_ffmpeg452_64.dll C:\yolo_v4\darknet\build\darknet\x64
- copy cudnn file to darknet folder
$ cp C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.3\bin\cudnn64_8.dll C:\yolo_v4\darknet\build\darknet\x64
change CUDA version
- cd C:\yolo_v4\darknet\build\darknet
- modify darknet.vcxproj, yolo_cpp_dll.vcxproj
- change CUDA version darknet-
open yolo_cpp_dll.vcxproj and build it
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